Innovation drives – it creates new value for businesses by increasing consumer outreach and solidifying business positions. With targeted innovation, value creation becomes similarly more targeted and hence more relevant and meaningful as well. The key to targeted innovation lies in keeping a keen eye on one’s target group of customers.
Every target consumer group experiences a certain set of difficulties and rewards. Their willingness to spend and pay a company for a product lies here. Most, if not all, consumer groups wish to reduce their difficulties whilst still experiencing, or even maximising, their rewards from the completion of tasks and projects. To keep a keen eye on one’s customers is hence to observe them and recognise these difficulties and rewards, whether articulated or not.
While functionality is fundamental and indispensable to the meeting of these needs, products cannot merely be functional and thus innovation cannot end at the stage of functionality. The promotion of one’s willingness to spend stems from the fulfilment of social and emotional needs from the usage of the product. Besides creating real value for businesses, innovations should also ideally add value to clients’ businesses. By observing customers in situations even vaguely related to one’s offerings, companies would better be able to pinpoint these alternative needs. It is through a quaintly intimate familiarity with one’s customers can a more thorough business plan be thought out.
At CityHub, we actively innovate for our customers. Our serviced and virtual office packages are personalised and specifically catered to our different groups of professionals – from start-ups to global firms, project teams to entrepreneurs. Our offices, IT infrastructure and facilities are ready to meet the functional needs of businesses, and our well-trained team of staff are prepared to ease your business operations. By taking away the hassle and difficulties of administrative and management work, businesses can focus on observing their customers and further optimising their gains and rewards through innovation.
To keep a keen eye on your customers is the process of continually learning about one’s customers – to understand their needs, difficulties and rewards sometimes even better than themselves. It is the habit of identifying and responding to their needs promptly, and this habit once ingrained will prove to be solid basis for future innovation – firmly grounding and driving it.